
We must be tough on crime. We must support the police so they can do their jobs effectively. We will better enforce our various ordinances. We will always have police present at large community events. We will also look to cultivate better relations between the police and community. One way to do this is to have meetings between police and community leaders so they can better understand each other.


We are blessed with an abundance of our own water. We should be selling more water to generate more revenue for the city. At the same time, we must safeguard and modernize our water infrastructure.


We want affordable housing for our people. We want to make it easier for people to own and stay in their homes by not continually raising their taxes. We oppose placing water meters on homes as this is another form of taxation. We will work with people who are struggling to pay their taxes. We will do what we can to minimize out of town landlords. We will look to implement programs that allow people to purchase homes at low costs in poorer neighborhoods, under the condition they live there and improve the property for a certain number of years. Houses that are not worth saving will be torn down.

Economic Development

We will develop a strong business friendly climate in Amsterdam, especially for local entrepreneurs. We will work closely with city, county, and state officials to get the best deals for our people. We will not waste taxpayer money on foolish projects or pointless studies. We will be much smarter and effective with our money.


Amsterdam is a small city. It should be governed as such. We should always put our people first and do everything in our power to fix the issues directly affecting them. We will lead with humility and seek to foster a strong community spirit at every turn.